My thanks are due to my friends and colleagues Dr Antony Parakkal MD, Staff Specialist in Anaesthesia, Ms. Veronica Madigan, Senior Lecturer in Emergency Medicine, School of Public Health, Charles Sturt University and Ms. Julia De Boos BA, Medical Student, University of Sydney. I must also thank the Nursing staff of Broken Hill Base Hospital, N.S.W., Australia and Mildura Base Hospital, Victoria, Australia, for their input and feedback, and especially the staff of USCOM Ltd, Sydney, Australia, for their advice and criticism.
My special thanks must go to Jayden Pinnington for the illustrations. Although just 12 years old, he is a young man with an enormous talent and a great sense of humour.

For more information on hemodynamics see the Uscom website -
Copyright © B E Smith 2006.
This information is intended for the use of medical and nursing staff
of Mildura Base Hospital only.
Reproduction of this booklet is allowed only by permission of the author.